The Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework


School self-evaluation and external evaluation (inspection) are complementary processes, focused on improvement and capacity-building.


The Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework provides a holistic overview of the key aspects of education. In extending the principle of openness and transparency, the Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework is a framework not only for inspection, but also to support self-evaluation.  It should not be used as a checklist, rather as a resource to guide and encourage discussion and support self-evaluation.  Similarly, the core areas and cross-cutting themes should not be considered in isolation, rather in an interconnected way.


The Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework:


  • Has three core elements:
    • Outcomes for learners
    • Quality of provision
    • Leadership and management
  • Has three cross-cutting elements:
    • Care and welfare
    • Governance
    • Safeguarding
  • Is supported by characteristics of effective practice.
  • Provides questions for reflection/challenge against the indicators.
  • Promotes dialogue about key strengths and areas for improvement.
    The Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework for Governance is a resource to support governors of schools in their on-going process of self-evaluation and to provide transparency in the inspection process by the publication of key indicators of effective practice.