ETI evaluates the digital skills provision in education

Date published: 24 April 2024

During 2023, ETI undertook two evaluations focusing on digital skills provision.

Digital Skills reports - front covers.

The first report, 'Future Ready Digital Learning: the impact of teachers’ devices on education provision' recognises that the rollout of digital devices to the teaching workforce is impacting positively many aspects of school life and professional practice. Also, the successful integration of digital technology within and beyond the classroom to enhance education provision appears achievable, with much potential for further innovation and benefits to learners.

The second report, 'A baseline evaluation of the digital skills provision in primary and post-primary schools' highlights that schools have laid a sound foundation for the development of children and young people's digital skills.

The reports conclude that to optimise the potential benefits of digital technologies in education, DE should continue to work in partnership with key stakeholders to develop and implement an agreed system-wide digital skills strategy for education.

ETI extends its thanks to all school and centre leaders, teachers and, children and young people who contributed to both reports.

Future Ready Digital Learning - The impact of teachers' digital devices on educational provision

Digital Skills in the Curriculum – A Baseline Evaluation of the Digital Skills provision in Primary and Post-primary Schools


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