As National Children’s Mental Health week comes to a close and most schools finish up for the mid-term break, ETI launches its “Stepping Up and Stepping Forward” publication, a series of ten learning insights on how well Northern Ireland’s education system is responding to COVID-19 and other challenges.

The series presents and explores a range of topics, including: the additional risks to wellbeing posed by COVID-19; improving provisions by listening to, and acting upon learners’ views; increasing positive outcomes for learners by tackling educational disadvantage; the importance of support for leaders and teachers through effective professional learning; working collaboratively to create purposeful networks; creating a curriculum that enriches experiences and life-chances; the need to unlock the use of new technologies and the implementation of an innovative and cross-sectoral strategy for Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).
The series also marks the beginning of the “ETI’s Empowering Improvement: Stepping Forward Together” programme, a programme of professional learning aimed at middle leaders which focuses on self-evaluation leading to whole-organisation improvement, and on learning and teaching, including digital learning. More than 600 middle leaders from early years’ settings, post-primary schools and education other than at school centres will engage in the programme in the next few weeks.
Recognising the exemplary efforts made by NI’s leaders and practitioners, the Chief Inspector, Faustina Graham, said:
“ETI recognises that, since the start of the pandemic, educators have stepped up to meet significant challenges. Parents and carers, as first educators, were integral to this success.
“The resilience and commitment of learners to their education – in spite of the challenges - have also been inspirational for all in education to witness.
“All of our professional peers, stakeholders, families and communities play complementary roles in the education of our learners. By sharing our expertise, experiences and learning, we can work more coherently to realise our shared goal of giving every child and young person the life chances they deserve.
“We hope that the worst of the COVID-19 disruptions are behind us. We have all learned that, by continuing to upskill ourselves, manage risks for learning and have high expectations around what we can achieve, we are stepping up from COVID-19 and stepping forward for learners.”
Stepping Up and Stepping Forward - A series of 10 learning insights
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