The ETI’s principles, values and standards

The Education and Training Inspectorate's work is guided by its four core values of Truth, Dignity, Service and Example and Code of conduct and associated behaviours as outlined in the Charter for Inspection.


Accuracy coupled with transparency and sensitivity; making sure that there is a free flow of information within, across and beyond the organisation. In all of our dealings with colleagues, customers and stakeholders displaying the highest standards of integrity.


Treating with respect and consideration, all those with whom we come into professional contact.


Using our professional expertise to provide our customers, stakeholders and our colleagues with effective service, which seeks to promote improvement in the interests of learners. Ensuring, at all times that we meet our published service standards.


Working to demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy, behaviour and professional integrity and credibility.

Code of conduct

As the Code of conduct outlines in the Charter for Inspection , the ETI will:

  • recognise that the key priority must be the interests and well-being of the learners, in terms of the quality of education and training which they experience, and the outcomes they achieve;
  • be sensitive to the circumstances of the organisation, and ensure tact and courtesy towards all with whom the inspector/s come into professional contact;
  • evaluate objectively and consistently, being honest in communicating findings and demonstrate openness to ensure that evaluations reflect accurately the organisation’s achievements;
  • show concern for accuracy and reliance on evidence-based evaluation;
  • show fairness in dealing with individuals and groups;
  • respect your privacy and treat confidential issues concerning you in an appropriate way;
  • comply with our statutory duties to make sure you receive equality of service;
  • endeavour to minimise the stress on those involved in the inspection;
  • take responsibility and be accountable for the quality of our work;
  • be committed to ensuring that queries are answered promptly and concerns dealt with, within a defined timescale;
  • be sensitive to the effect on others of evaluations and reports, but without compromising the principles, values and standards of ETI;
  • take prompt and appropriate action on any safeguarding or health and safety issues; and
  • act with integrity at all times.

In this topic

  • The ETI’s principles, values and standards