Chief Inspector’s Report 2014-2016

Date published: 16 November 2016

The latest Chief Inspector’s Report, covering the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016, includes an evaluative commentary on education and training, a series of individual phase reports and a section on the work of ETI.

Chief Inspectors Report 2014-2016 cover page.

View the launch of the report (external link opens in a new window / tab)by Noelle Buick, Chief Inspector, which took place on 16 November 2016 on  The report details what is going well but also highlights the key challenges facing Northern Ireland’s education and training system.   View a montage of key messages(external link opens in a new window / tab) from the report.  All of the stakeholders in education and training have particular skills, expertise, knowledge and information. If this is harnessed with a focus on Working as One...with Success for Everyone we can have every chance of achieving the Executive’s aim of giving our children and young people the best start in life and being a world class education system.

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