Independent evaluation of the Gaeltacht e-Hub Pilot Project

Date published: 16 March 2021

Type: Surveys / Evaluations
Organisational phase: Post-primary

This evaluation report of the Gaeltacht e-Hub Pilot Project was commissioned by the Department of Education (Government of Ireland) from the Education and Training Inspectorate (Northern Ireland) to provide an external, independent view of the pilot project.

Choimisiúnaigh an Roinn Oideachais, Rialtas na hÉireann tuarascáil meastóireachta ar Thionscadal Píolótach an r-Mhoil Gaeltachta ón Chigireacht Oideachais agus Oiliúna, Tuaisceart Éireann chun léargas seachtrach, neamhspleách a sholáthar ar an tionscadal píolótach.

The Gaeltacht e-Hub is an innovative three-year pilot project of the Department of Education (Government of Ireland) aimed at facilitating students in Gaeltacht post-primary schools to study Higher-Level Physics online through the medium of Irish for the Leaving Certificate.

Is tionscadal píolótach nuálach trí bliana de chuid na Roinne Oideachais (Rialtas na hÉireann) é an r-Mhol Gaeltachta a bhfuil sé mar aidhm aige cuidiú le scoláirí Fisice in iar‑bhunscoileanna sa Ghaeltacht staidéar a dhéanamh ar Fhisic Ardleibhéil na hArdteistiméireachta trí mheán na Gaeilge ar líne.