Update on the work of ETI for this academic year

Date published: 06 September 2021

As we begin the new academic term, the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) has devised priorities that we hope will benefit everyone in education as we go forward together through ever-changing times.

Who we are and what we do.

In engaging with organisations we will be mindful of the challenges which they continue to face. We will consult with and listen to our stakeholders, as we work to review our corporate purpose and begin the planning of revised inspection protocols and procedures.  We will also continue to carry out monitoring visits to support organisations in the follow up process.

We hope to support the education system by embarking on an ambitious programme of capacity and capability building, drawing on our own and practitioners’ expertise to disseminate the learning we have all accrued over the last eighteen months. The programme will focus on self-evaluation leading to improvement including the roles of senior and middle leadership; the efficacy of remote/online learning; and, learning and teaching for the future.

Our work over the next period will be comprised of a five step approach leading to the development of a new inspection strategy including the work outlined above on consultation and capacity building: monitoring visits; thematic evaluations; policy advice; and ETI’s internal review work.

The five step approach to our work will progress throughout the autumn term 2021.

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