ETI publish reports detailing significant work undertaken by special schools sector during the pandemic

Date published: 26 November 2021

ETI has prepared two reports to detail aspects of the significant work undertaken by the special schools sector during the pandemic.

ETI corporate tile showing image of special education pupil with text, promoting improvement in the interest of all learners.

As part of the District Inspector role, information has been gathered on the special school curriculum and the adaptations school principals have made in relation to the changing needs of their pupils as a result of:

  • the impact of COVID-19 related events and changed routines at home and at school; and
  • in response to the increase in the number of pupils presenting with highly complex learning and physical needs. 

An evaluation of the multi-disciplinary approaches to meeting the needs of pupils in special schools

This report provides a range of case studies from special schools which highlight the benefits to the pupils of a multi-disciplinary approach, along with reflections from school staff and parents.  Despite increased demands for the time and skills of therapists, there are noteworthy examples of highly effective holistic support for pupils involving a range of therapists, school staff and outside support agencies, for example, from the Middletown Centre for Autism. 

An evaluation of the curriculum, with a particular focus on life skills and play in special schools

This report details the adaptations and changes made by principals of special schools to the curriculum as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to pupils presenting with increasingly complex needs.

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