An Evaluation of Full Service Extended Schools and Full Service Community Network

Date published: 20 June 2013

Type: Surveys / Evaluations
Organisational phase: Post-primary

This evaluation sets out the main findings of a survey of the work of Full Service Extended Schools (FSES) and Full Service Community Network (FSCN). 


The Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) visited a range of participating schools, organisations and agencies and focused their observations on important aspects of education provision which are supported directly by FSES/FSCN. The team held discussions with the representatives of the key contributory organisations, observed 60 programmed activities, interventions and lessons, and where possible, took account of the views of the young people, parents, management and staff. In addition, interviews were held with the chairs of both project management boards. An important feature of this evaluation was the opportunity taken to meet with parents in their own homes or in locations other than schools. The ETI carried out the survey in January 2013.