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195 publications

Information and Communication Technology - Knockavoe School, Strabane

Published 01 August 2007Surveys / Evaluations

Focused Inspection - Ardmore House School, Downpatrick

Published 01 June 2007Inspection reports

Focused Inspection - Beechgrove School, Ballymena

Published 01 May 2007Inspection reports

Focused Inspection - Glenveagh School, Belfast

Published 01 May 2007Inspection reports

Focused Inspection - Beechlawn School, Hillsborough

Published 01 March 2007Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Sandelford Special School, Coleraine

Published 01 February 2007Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Belfast Hospital School

Published 01 January 2007Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Loughan School, Ballymena

Published 01 January 2007Inspection reports

Focused Inspection - Clifton School, Bangor

Published 01 January 2007Inspection reports

Focused Inspection - Limegrove School, Limavady

Published 01 January 2007Inspection reports
