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1375 publications

Follow-up Inspection - Loughshore Playgroup, Maghery, County Tyrone

Published 12 December 2022Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Kingdom Playgroup, Kilkeel, County Down

Published 09 December 2022Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Little Hands Pre-school, Antrim

Published 09 December 2022Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, County Down

Published 09 December 2022Inspection reports

Follow-up Inpsection - Play Links Playgroup, Strangford, County Down

Published 09 December 2022Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Banagher Community Playgroup, Feeny

Published 08 July 2022Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Derrytrasna Playgroup, Craigavon

Published 08 July 2022Inspection reports

Pre-school and Foundation Stage: Delivering the Curriculum Outdoors

Published 04 November 2021Surveys / Evaluations

Phase-specific thematic reports on Remote Learning

Published 14 May 2021Consultation reports